Teenagers tend to ignore and be careless about the meaning and the difference between the two words. They tend to display an "I don't care" attitude towards them. Maybe because they feel they are too wise, maybe because the society they grew up in never cared to educate them about the lexical words, or maybe their parents failed to teach them let alone impact a knowledge or two about the two words. Maybe!

Achievements are the goals you achieve whether an instinct in you feels fulfilled or not. Achievements are those things or goals people, parents, colleagues, relatives, friends etc expects you to have or acquire at a particular age or time. But they are less concerned whether you feel fulfilled or not. They don't care whether what they expect you to achieve or acquire brings you joy or not.

Achievement is that thing you go for so to say, in order to please your fellow beings perhaps your parents or loved ones. Mostly, people prefer to go for ACHIEVEMENT than FULFILLMENT maybe because they are not aware about the importance of one over the other. Maybe it's because of how they view life....That's why you see them roaming aimlessly around after spending years to achieve the so called ACHIEVEMENT, because they are yet to be fulfilled. 

Some students decide to study a course or attend a particular college because that's what their parents want and it's what the society is clamoring for. Not minding the inner peace of mind that comes with what you do. They fail to estimate the cost of not having that inner joy of doing what makes you happy.

What about those ladies that decide to"pepe" their haters by going into marriage with a cheat just because they want to show off to their haters, friends and family that they have achieved something. Forgetting that after pleasing them the end result of marrying a cheat with the aim of "achievement" will bounce back on them.

They forget that, it's the inner joy that comes with FULFILLMENT that will keep the so called ACHIEVEMENT flourishing in the long run.


But my questions are,
Are parents the reason why teenagers tend to go for Achievement more than fulfillment?
What is the responsibility of Age when it comes to Achieving and fulfilling, should it be given a chance?
Is it possible to have the two at the same time?
Is it possible to have the two and age wouldn't tell?
Is it possible to have the two without hurting some people?
Is it possible to have the two without going against the will of God?

 On the one hand, Achievement is what you do to please others without caring what you want. On the other hand, Fulfillment is that thing you do or go after in order to get satisfied, in order to have that inner joy that comes with whatever you do, not minding what people will say, not minding the view of your parents, not minding whether it pleases the society or not. That's why you see people trying again despite many failed attempt. Because they want to get fulfilled, they want to get the inner joy that comes with being fulfilled. If they were after ACHIEVEMENT, they would have quitted to try something new.

So no matter what life throws at you, no matter how difficult the challenges are or may seems, endeavor to go after what gives you joy and happiness. Shalom!.

Odewole Heritage Toluwanimi.
AAUA chapter

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