In time like this,
When it seems you live in a circle with no way out,
When help is not coming forth,
When your path seems dark,
When you are without hope,
When you are in the shadow of yourself;
In time like this,
When unproductivity seems to take hold of you,
When life is not encouraging,
When it seems as if there is no hope for the future,
When you are tired of everything,
When you believe the worst will happen;
In time like this,
When life seems to knock confidence out of you,
When you are taken aback at how things turn out,
When all sides say no way,
When the one you trust is gives you a cold shoulder,
When you are at the end of your rope;
In time like this,
Oh, be not idle!
Hold fast to your Creator!
New seasons will come.
Just keep on keeping on!
Rhoda Akinyemi,
UI chapter.