Happy New Month, People!
The outgoing year; 2021 shall pack its bag and baggage and quit the stage of life. No one will have it again forever. Many things happened this year, both good and bad. Many pursued and achieved, while many pursued without a result.
Do you know that you can still achieve some of your goals for this year within these few weeks?
Yes, you can. You just have to sit tight and aim at what you can do at this time. In doing that, do not forget that this is also the time to plan for the coming year. Many people fail to budget for the future.
Government prepare budgets of what would be done in the coming year. Companies and industries make budgets of what they will attain in the coming period. But it is a pity, many people fail to plan ahead of time.
For instance, a woman who is pregnant will do everything possible to plan towards delivery. She must have buy everything the coming baby needs before delivery. So also is goal setting; planning and pursuing an aim(s) for a desired result.
Goal setting gives you direction and set you on a motion. No goal, No direction.
The new year is an opportunity to do new things or old things in a better way. It does not matter whether you set a goal this outgoing year or you did not attain it. At least, you set a goal and pursue it.
It has been discovered that the tragedy of life is not in failure to reach our goals but the tragedy is having no goal to reach. It is better to fail in doing something than to succeed in doing nothing.
Don’t let the failure of this year disturb you from achieving your goals, neither should you allow the success of this year to overshadow you such that you relax in the coming year.
Set goal on your spiritual life (increase or improve on what you are doing for God this year).
Set goal on your academics.
Set goal on your businesses.
Set goal on your projects (buying land, building a house, buying a car and so on).
Only goal-setters that can press ahead can be a go-getter.
Let us back this up with Bible passages (Nehemiah chapter 1 and 2:1-8).
With pain in Nehemiah’s heart concerning the walls and gates of Jerusalem that was destroyed, he prayed to God and plan on how to achieve building the walls and gates of Jerusalem. Nehemiah had a goal. He knew what he needed to get the goal realized. When the King asked him what he needed, his answers were readily available. Be like Nehemiah.
Don’t forget the place of prayer. You have to commit your plans in God’s hands because your plans must be in line with His will. Let God direct your steps. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT). God is the only one that gives us grace to do anything. You need the help of God in achieving your goals. Philippians 4 vs 13 says, “For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.(NLT).
In achieving your goals, make sure you are growing in learning and achieving. Because goal is for a specific time and growing is for a lifetime.
Don’t only think and set your goals, make sure you write them down so that you can consult it often and pursue it with all that lies within you. You will live to see them fulfilled.
Happy New Year in advance.
Rhoda Akinyemi.