We need joy as we need air,
We need love as we need water,
We need each other as we need the earth we share. - Maya Angelou

The thing you need most is others. Each of us exists with different personalities, energies, capabilities and strength. You cannot do it all alone.

Humans are social beings. You need others for care, love, connection, learning, growing spiritually, laughter, playing, interceding, è.t.c.

"We rise by lifting others - Robert Ingersol

Have you ever seen anyone succeed on their own? You can not have all of the answers to your questions. You need consulting with people to give you better information.

When you work alone,it is often times too easy to give up when things get hard. So, you have to surround yourself with others working towards similar objectives. By doing this, you will be motivated to push yourself further.

No matter who you are, how old you are, what you have or where you live, you need others. Nobody knows all. Each of us have different talents. Therefore, It comes out bright when you work hand in hand with others.

You can do it but stop trying to do it all.

Human beings were not designed to live life alone,if not, God would not have created an helpmeet (Eve) for Adam. Relying and helping others started from these two.

Have you ever imagined how life would be without your family, extended families, loved ones and friends?

Being around other people will make you healthier. Social contact helps in coping with stress and making brain work better in togetherness. Learning is not only by observations but by interacting with others.

Nothing can be compared to spending time with the people you love in your workplace, school, church, mosque, social gatherings and everywhere you find yourself.

Imagine having someone reminding you to eat a healthy diet, exercise, read, sleep and so on. Healthy social relationship avoids early death. One study even suggests that a lack of social relationship has the same effect on health as smoking fifteen (15) cigarettes a day.

You should be able to interact with people freely. If you want to buy something and the seller relate with you rudely, I know you will decide not to buy from him/her again. Offer help and support to those who need it. You will never know when you will need help in return.

Appreciate people around you. When you are grateful,you become happier. Notice people who are contributing to your goodness and appreciate them.

Although,some people can drive you up the wall, you must understand that people are meant to be around eachother, even those you don't always agree with.

Use technology (especially social media) to facilitate human interactions and do not let it replace physical interactions.

You can do what I can not do,
I can do what you cannot do,
Together,we can do great things. - Mother Theresa.

To have a greater result in this new year, you need others.

We need each other.

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